Envío y entrega

Envío y entrega

Tips: Due to the impact of the COVID-19, there may be a delay in global logistics. Thank you for your patience and understanding. Any questions, please click to contact us, we will provide you the fastest service.

Our estimated delivery dates are based on several factors, including the destination address and how quickly we can assemble and prepare your items for shipment.

The time frame of order delivery is divided into two parts: processing time + shipping time. Usually, the processing time will be 1-7 business days. The estimated shipping time by sea from China to the rest of the world are shown below:

Países Puerto Días
Corea Busan 3
Japón Yokohama, Tokio 3
Taiwán, China   2
Hong Kong, China   2
Singapur   7
Filipinas Manila 7
Indonesia Yakarta 9
Vietnam Ho Chi Minh 7
Camboya Sihanoukville 10
Tailandia Bangkok 10
Malasia Klang 10
Myanmar Rangún 15
India Nhava Sheva 15
Pakistán Karachi 15
Sri Lanka Colombo 13
Bangladesh Chittagong 18
Australia Sídney 15
Australia Brisbane 20
Nueva Zelanda Auckland 20
UAE Dubai 15
Irán Abbas 22
Irak MMM Qasr 25-30
Kuwait   25-30
Arabia Saudí Damman 20
Qatar Doha 20-25
Ammán Sohar 20-25
Israel Ashdod, Haifa 23
Líbano Beirut 22
Siria Latakia 30
Turquía Estambul 25
Rusia Novorossiysk 28
Ucrania Odesa 28
Rumania Constanza 28
Bulgaria Varna 35
Grecia Pireo 22-25
Albania Durres 35
Croacia Rijeka 30
Eslovenia Koper 30
Italia Genova 27
Francia Fos 28
España Valencia 28
España Barcelona 30
Portugal Lisboa 37
Egipto Puerto Said 20
Egipto Alejandría 25
Libia Trípoli 30-40
Argelia Argel 30-40
Túnez Túnez 30-35
Marruecos Tánger 30
Marruecos Casablanca 35
Reino Unido Felixstowe 28
Reino Unido Southampton 30
Francia Le Havre 30-35
Irlanda Dublín, Cork 35
Bélgica Zeebrugge 30-35
Países Bajos Rotterdam 30-35
Alemania Hamburgo, Bremerhaven 30-35
Dinamarca Aarhus, Copenhague 45
Noruega Oslo 40
Suecia Gotemburgo 40
Polonia Gdynia, Gdansk 40
Lituania Klaipeda 40
Letonia Riga 40
Estonia Tallin 40
Finlandia Helsinki 40
Rusia San Petersburgo 35-40
Sudán Puerto Sudán 25
Kenia Mombasa 25
Tanzania Dar Es Salaam 25-30
Mozambique Maputo 30
Sudáfrica Durban 23
Sudáfrica Ciudad del Cabo 25
Sudáfrica Puerto Elizabeth 30
Namibia Bahía Walvis 30
Angola Luanda 45
Gabón Libreville 55
Camerún Duala 60
Nigeria Apapapa, Tincan 35
Benin Cotonou 35
Togo Lome 35-40
Ghana Tema 35-40
Côte d'Ivoire Abiyán 40-45
Liberia Monrovia 45-50
Sierra Leona Remolque libre 53
Guinea Conakry 50
Senegal Dakar 40
EE.UU. Playa Larga 11-13
EE.UU. Los Ángeles 12-14
EE.UU. Oakland 15
Canadá Vancouver 14
EE.UU. Nueva York 28
Estados Unidos Miami 30
Estados Unidos Houston 20
Canadá Montreal 22
Canadá Toronto 22
México Manzanillo 20
México Ciudad de México 25
Guatemala San José 28-35
El Salvador Acajutla 28-35
Honduras Puerto Cortés 28-35
Nicaragua Corinto 30
Costa Rica Puerto Limón 28-35
Panamá Zona Libre de Colón 25
Panamá Panamá 30
Colombia Buenaventura 25
Colombia Barranquilla 30
Ecuador Guayaquil 30-35
Perú Callao 28
Chile Valparaíso 33
Chile San Antonio 35
Venezuela Puerto Cabello 35
Venezuela La Guaira 35
Brasil Santos 30
Brasil Río de Janeiro 30
Brasil Paranagua 35
Brasil Salvador 35
Brasil Navegantes 36
Uruguay Montevideo 35
Argentina Buenos Aires 35

Preguntas más frecuentes

1. When will my order be shipped?
Average lead time is 4 weeks. With that said, if everything from your order is in stock, it may ship sooner. On the other hand, if items are out of stock and there is not enough available to ship to ensure an average shipping percentage, your order will be held until it can be filled.

2. How much will shipping cost and what methods do you offer?
The shipping cost is based on the weight and destination area. We provide competitive shipping prices for all our customers. Shipping methods available are Ground, Expedited, 3-Day Air, Next-Day Air and Next-Day AM. The shipping methods are available through online and phone orders.

3. What freight companies do you use?
We ship by common carrier and various delivery services (UPS, FedEx, courier, freight and USPS) depending on your shipping location and delivery requirements.

4. Do you provide same-day delivery service?
All orders placed before 3 p.m. GMT +8:00 will qualify for same-day shipping. Orders placed after 3 p.m. GMT +8:00 will go out on the following business day.

5. I just placed my order, is it possible to change my shipping service?
If the product has not yet been shipped you can call us to change your shipping method. Please have a credit card ready as changing the shipping method may increase the cost of shipping. However once the unit has been shipped we are unable to change the shipping service.

6. How can I get my tracking number?
Your tracking number will be emailed to you as soon as your product is packed and ready to ship.

7. What happens if a package is damaged during shipping?
If your package is damaged during shipping we ask that you take a picture of the damaged product and the packaging that it arrived in and email it to info@midonkey.com. We require this in order to be reimbursed from the shipping company. Once received we will work with the shipping company to replace your damaged item(s) as soon as possible.


Any further questions? Send us an e-mail with your query or call us:
Tel: 0086- 769-82827404
Email: info@midonkey.com
Mob: 0086-15817481923

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